Friday, February 02, 2007

Suns triumph over Spurs

Suns run through Spurs...In what will be the most probable pre-match of the western conference finals, Amare Stoudemire showed what he is capable of. This is also first win against best western conference teams, Dallas Mavericks and SA Spurs. It is long decided that, whichever western conference team gets to the finals, is going to win the chanpionship. So, in the essence, Western conference finals is the finals.

Utah Jazz is also palying very tough this year, and you can never count out Kobe. But I will always bet on collective team power rather on one man. One man can only hit so much...and thats why Kobe is a legend. and next game will Jazz will also be an exciting contest, Suns should be able to steam full ahead.

Considerable amount of praise should be reserved for the coach of the suns teams, Mike D'Antoni. I think he is a major success story for his type of 'run & outrun' and 'shoot & outshoot' games. If Stoudemire holds the Suns defence together, I will laugh all the way out of the sports bar....